Thursday, September 23, 2010

God's Promises for Women of Faith

God's Promises for Women of Faith is a great gift idea but also great to have yourself! I expected it to be little devotionals or little inspiring blurbs about the different promises God gives us (which would have been fine) but I was surprised at the amount of Scripture and all the different parts it had to it. Its a really great tool for encouragement- whether you are having a bad day and dealing with stress, to love, to sin and temptation. Or if you are wanting to encourage a friend with a passage. Its table of Contents makes finding what you are looking for easy. I am not one to buy a book for its cover, but this one is really cute, which makes it a great gift for a girl friend. If there was anything lacking in it, it would just be to include maybe longer passages about the different promises and circumstances that have smaller verses listed.