Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Year With God

A Year With God is a devotional designed for day to day use. I have used similar books for years, and what I can say is that it does have good messages intended to help start your day out. There is always a small passage, story, or monologue for each day with corresponding verses and bible stories. I have been looking for a devotional that is more interactive, has more to read, has more questions to ask yourself, but this isn't that. This is good if you are looking for something to have when you only have about five minutes for your quiet time in the morning.

Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado

Max Lucado's Outlive Your Life is definitely a motivational book. After reading it I wanted to do all that I could to stay busy, help others, and stay glorifying God in all that I do- AND try to break the old habits of spending so much time watching TV and facebooking. Not only did it ask the reader to take action, but it also gave personal stories of people who are out there making a difference in the world. It also uses specific people from the bible that God used to help his people, to spread His Word. This book is a good reminder of why we are here on earth as Christians and what we are called and demanded to lovingly do.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

God's Promises for Women of Faith

God's Promises for Women of Faith is a great gift idea but also great to have yourself! I expected it to be little devotionals or little inspiring blurbs about the different promises God gives us (which would have been fine) but I was surprised at the amount of Scripture and all the different parts it had to it. Its a really great tool for encouragement- whether you are having a bad day and dealing with stress, to love, to sin and temptation. Or if you are wanting to encourage a friend with a passage. Its table of Contents makes finding what you are looking for easy. I am not one to buy a book for its cover, but this one is really cute, which makes it a great gift for a girl friend. If there was anything lacking in it, it would just be to include maybe longer passages about the different promises and circumstances that have smaller verses listed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Same Kind of Different as Me, written by Ron Hall and Denver Moore

Same Kind of Different as Me, and is written by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. Its a heartwarming story about the two very different lives of the co-authors Ron and Denver. I was hesitant to read it because it seemed a little too unbelievable, but their testaments were so down to earth and honest. God's work is clearly shown through their story of acceptance and how God plants a giving and gracious heart in anyone if we allow him. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is a young adult to 110!